Photos, logos, and promotional flyers are among the most popular types of content to show on a digital sign. Whether you already have an image you’d like to show, or you need to create something from scratch, our templates make it easy.
Step by Step Guide
1: Pick a template
Many of our templates feature a place to add an image. The simplest way to get an image on your display is to start with the fullscreen image template.
2: Add an image to the template
In the presentation, click on “edit” next to the image or background component. This component will also show you a recommended image size at the top of this section.
You have 4 options to add the image: Upload images (directy from you computer) , Select from storage, Select from Stock Image Library, and Design with Canva. More information on these two integrations below.
3. Once you have added your desire content, click on the “Publish” button to add your presentation to a schedule.
Select from the Stock Image Library
The Stock Library (by Pixebay) is a great tool if you are looking for stock images without having to upload from your own sources. For more information check out: How do I upload content from the Stock Library?
Design with Canva
The Canva integration offers access to a vast library of high-quality templates and designs that import directly into Rise Vision. For more information check out: How do I add content to Rise Vision with Canva?
Additional Considerations
- JPEG and PNG are the most common image types.
- Most templates with have a recommended image size indicated in the designated areas, keep this in mind when uploading your content.
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