Each Rise Vision display is assigned a unique ID. Each ID can only be used on 1 Display at a time.
If you activate a Display with an ID that is already in use, the Display on which it was already being used will be deactivated. Only the most recently activated display will remain active and be able to show content.
If this happens accidentally, you can correct the problem by re-creating the affected displays. Here’s a quick video going over the whole process:
Re-creating the affected display
- Log in at risevision.com
- Go to Displays
- Delete the affected display, and then restart Rise Player if needed
- Click on Add Display
- Name your Display and enter the 5-digit activation code on the machine or select save to access the new display ID
Note* you may use a unique display ID or the QR code as well to activate a newly created display. For more information on these methods refer to the How I activate a display? article.