The videos in this article detail exactly how to troubleshoot, diagnose, and replace specific hardware portions of your scrolling LED Ticker.
Identifying Hardware and Troubleshooting First Steps
This video covers accessing the core components of your Ticker, identifying them, and confirming they are connected correctly.
Powercycling your Ticker, and Confirming your Nuc is Working Correctly
One of the most common troubleshooting actions with Tickers is to see if a power cycle will correct the issue.
If nothing is showing on your Ticker after a restart, there may be an issue with the Ticker Nuc internally. This video discusses the best ways to power cycle a Ticker, as well as connecting a monitor to the Ticker Nuc to confirm that it is working as expected.
Troubleshooting Modules
The hardware the shows the scrolling data on your Tickers are called modules. This video goes over how modules are connected, troubleshooting modules having issues, and best steps to replace and determine if you have a defective module.
Replacing your Ticker Nuc
In the case that your Ticker Nuc needs to be replaced, this video goes over all the steps to completely replace that Ticker Nuc with a replacement Nuc.
In the case that you have also replaced your USB to Ethernet Adapter, there is some important information regarding connecting your Ticker to your network. This video covers that information.
Resetting and Replacing your Ticker Controller
The final piece of hardware that needs to be investigated during troubleshooting is a piece of hardware called the Controller. If your Ticker's content is frozen, or is running sluggishly, one option to try first is to reset the Controller, using the steps in this video.
If a reset of your Controller does not work, it will likely need to be replaced. This video covers replacing your Controller with a replacement.