While setting up display hardware you will need to activate your display at risevision.com. This article covers the activation options and what you should consider while activating your display.
Setting up a new display:
If you’re activating a new device for the first time, you can simply follow the instructions on your device’s screen to activate using an activation code or QR code.
The activation screen should look like this:
You can either use your web browser to go to risevision.com/activate, or just use your mobile device’s camera to scan the QR code on the right side.
Name your display. If the activation code is not filled in, enter the code on the left side of your display (screenshot above).
Once your display is activated, you can start creating content for it by following this article.
Reactivating an existing display:
If you’re replacing a device, or just reinstalling Rise Player on an existing device, you will need to activate using that display’s assigned ID.
On your computer’s web browser, log in at risevision.com and click on “Displays”. In the display list, find and click on the name of the display you are replacing or reinstalling. Make note of the Display ID which is shown on the right of the page below the live screenshot space:
Connect a USB mouse, keyboard, or use your remote for the device, and click on “Activate with Display ID” at the bottom of the activation screen. Enter the Display ID you noted into the provided field and then click on “Start Rise Vision Player”.
Once your display is activated, it will start showing its scheduled content automatically.