Your AppleTV Rise Vision displays can be set up to receive automatic alerts or classroom alerts from any service that supports CAP (Common Alerting Protocol). When an alert is received, scheduled content will be interrupted in order to show the override message on the screen for the specified duration. If Airplay is currently in use, it will be disabled in order to show the message.
- AppleTVs must be enrolled using Jamf Pro
- Single App Mode must be be enabled
Step 1: Create a Device Group to allow overriding of AirPlay streams
This group will be used to define which devices have the AirPlay restrction.
- Log in to Jamf Pro.
- Choose "Devices" from the tabs on the top-left.
- Select "Groups"
- Select "Static Device Groups", and select "New".
- Name this group "DisableAirPlay". Ensure there are no spaces between the words in the name.
Step 2: Configure profile for AirPlay restriction
This part of the configuration is the restricting action that will temporarily block AirPlay.
- Return to "Devices" from the tabs on the top-left.
- Select "Configuration Profiles"
- On the right click "+ New" to create a new profile and name it "DisableAirPlay"
- Scroll down to "Restrictions" and select "Functionality".
- Toggle on "AirPlay incoming request" so that it says "Restrict".
- From the top, select the "Scope" tab.
- On the right select "+ Add".
- From the "Add Deployment Targets" table, select "Mobile Device Groups", and then the "Add" button for the "DisableAirPlay" group made in Step 1.
- Click "Done" back in the "Add Deployment Targets" table, and then "Save" at the bottom-right.
Step 3: Configure the Jamf Pro client
This will allow the client to fetch the key API data.
- Go to "Settings" from the tabs on the top-left.
- Select the "Systems" tab.
- Choose "API roles and clients".
- Select the "API Roles" tab.
- Click "+ New" on the right to create a new API role.
- Provide a name to this API role, such as "RiseVision", and then from the privilege choose "Update Static Mobile Device Groups", and then save the role.
- Return to "API roles and clients".
- Select the "API Clients" tab and choose "New". Give the client a name, and add the API role that was made in bullet-point #6. Set 3600 for the duration.
- Click "Enable" and "Save".
- Click the "Generate client secret" and note the "Client ID" and "Client Secret" information for later use in Step 4.
Step 4: Copy that API information into your Rise Vision account
This will allow the Rise Vision server to notify your Jamf client that an automatic alert is coming.
- In a separate window or tab, log in to your account at
- Click on your username on the top-right hand corner of the screen.
- Choose “Company Settings.”
- The JAMF Pro Display Management options are on the right-hand side of the settings page. Click the toggle to enable them and fill in the "Client ID" and "Client Secret" that you copied from Step 3. The "JAMF Pro Server" is the unique domain associated to your institution's Jamf Pro account, and most likely consists of "https://(your-institution)".
Your Rise Vision account is now setup to communicate with the Jamf Pro server, in order to interrupt normal AppleTV functions. Automatic alerts are now enabled. If you want to setup emergency classroom alerts, you are not yet done. Please refer to this article to connect Rise Vision with an appropriate Cap Alert provider.