We want you to be present and enjoy your growing family. Rise Vision offers paid time away for parents to care for your new child. The policy is broken down between Pregnancy Leave and Parental Leave. Both policies are available for permanent full-time employees who have worked with us for at least 3 months.
Pregnancy Leave
We work in coordination with local employment legislations. Rise Vision will offer paid time away for pregnant employees to care for their newborn to supplement local or state/provincial employment insurance.
Pregnant employees will be entitled to "Top-up Pay" to supplement employment insurance offered by your federal, state or provinical government. To-up Pay is pay from the Company to reduce the difference between the government benefits and your regular earnings. The duration of this coverage is 9 weeks.
Parental Leave
Fathers or non-birth parents are provided with three weeks of contiguous time off to care for a child who has come into the care, custody or controll of a parent for the first time.
*Please refer to your local legislation for details regarding any additional unpaid time off work entitlements for maternity/parental leave.